Worth the investment

Having a great smile is an investment worth making. A smile is something you use every day. It’s with you always and can make all the difference when it comes to first interactions with people, be they fleeting encounters as you go through your day, or long-term, perhaps even life-long, relationships. If you have a great smile as your first tool of communication when you meet someone, when they see it, they will subconsciously respond with warmth and a desire to connect further with you.

Cosmetic Dentistry in LeybourneYour smile can do so much more for you than an expensive car or new wardrobe, and so if yours is something you are not making the most of, investing in cosmetic dentistry in Leybourne could change your life.

Here at One Smile Oral Care, cosmetic dentistry in Leybourne encompasses a range of treatments whose goal is to make you look better. However, a great smile is more than just a good social tool; it is also better for your physical and mental wellbeing.

When you invest in cosmetic dentistry in Leybourne, you are also investing in prolonging the life of your natural teeth. Teeth that are even and well aligned provide far fewer places for plaque to build up. Plaque is the sticky film of bacteria that proliferate on the surface of the teeth. It loves to hide out along the gum line and in crevices between the teeth, and it gives off acids. These acids eat away at tooth enamel, making holes for decay to enter in. They also inflame and irritate the gums and can eat away at the bone beneath the gums, which leads to gum disease. Both conditions can end up costing you a lot of money in remedial treatments such as root canal therapy or replacing teeth with dental implants. Gum disease has even been linked to illnesses such as diabetes.

Cosmetic braces, veneers, gum contouring, cosmetic bonding and teeth whitening are all cosmetic dentistry procedures that can be used separately or together to give you the smile you have always wanted. Why not come in for a consultation to find out more?