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How can I improve my smile?

Many thousands of people in the UK are not happy with their smile. When they look in the mirror they may see a wonky or crooked smile and this dissatisfaction can spread further then just their teeth. Their self-confidence can also be dented. Well, here at One Smile Oral Care, we can improve this with Invisalign in West Malling.

What is Invisalign at One Smile Oral Care?

Invisalign in West MallingInvisalign is designed to rectify a multitude of teeth straightening issues. Invisalign in West Malling is also an alternative to traditional fixed metal braces. They use transparent, incremental aligners to adjust teeth quickly and reliably. Over a relatively short amount of time, this can create the smile you have always wanted.

These clear aligners also specifically designed to fit easily into your lifestyle. We will always suggest you should wear them for around 22 hours every day, only removing them to eat, brush and floss. With Invisalign in West Malling, you also have the added benefit of being able to take them out for a specific occasion and pop them back in when you can.

How often do I need to change them?

Every two weeks, you will need to switch to a new set of Invisalign aligners. The series of aligners will gradually move your teeth into their final prescribed position. We will closely monitor your progress and provide your next batch of aligners when required, while all the time ensuring your treatment is going smoothly.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign in West Malling is designed to custom-fit your teeth while not interfering with your lifestyle choices. Also, Invisalign is virtually invisible, so no-one will notice that you are in the process straightening your teeth unless you choose to tell them.

The treatment allows you to maintain your dental hygiene, allowing you to brush and floss as normal. There is no fixed brace that can get bits of food stuck in the wires.

With Invisalign there is also much less chance of irritation in your mouth and gums. This is because there are no wires on the aligners to cause you discomfort or pain.

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