Category: Invisalign

More than 4 million people chose Invisalign

When you are about to invest a lot of money in something, you want to know it is going to be money well spent. You need to read reviews, talk to other people who have used that service or product, get a general feel for the thing. And that’s kind of hard when the thing you want to use is invisible. You can’t see how many other people are using it. That’s the trouble with Invisalign in Kings Hill, it’s big selling point is that it’s a way to straighten your teeth without anyone knowing what you are up to.

Invisalign in Kings HillIt’s not like say, an Audi or a Skoda. You see those in the supermarket car park and you can, in theory, go ask their owner all about them as they unload their shopping. With Invisalign, there is bound to be someone you interact with on a casual basis, who is using it, and you will never know. It could be the person at the supermarket check-out. It could be your best mate’s mate that you had a laugh with in the pub the other night. It could be that Skoda driver you just talked to about their car. You will never know because unless they choose to inform you that they are using Invisalign in Kings Hill from us at One Smile Oral Care, you won’t spot it in their mouths.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Kings Hill is a tooth-straightening system made of amazingly thin, clear plastic mouth guard-style aligners that fit over your teeth like a second skin. Once in place, you really can’t see them, they hug the teeth and the gum line so snugly.

Inside each aligner are precision-placed bumps and ridges that press on your teeth to move them into alignment. You wear your invisible aligners for at least 20 hours a day. At first, the pressure from these ridges makes them feel as if they don’t really fit, and they don’t. The pressure moves the teeth over the course of the next 7-10 days, gradually wearing off. Once your aligner seems to fit well, it’s time to move onto the next one in the series.

Make the most out of your treatment with Invisalign in Kings Hill

Invisalign is a great alternative for those who don’t want to wear braces. Moreover, this treatment is less painful than braces and does not require as many adjustments. With Invisalign, you can live your life without worrying about what to eat or how to clean your teeth.

At One Smile Oral Care, Invisalign in Kings Hill is the preferred treatment of choice of many teenagers and adults. Invisalign is easier to install than regular braces, but it is still a teeth straightening treatment and in order to achieve the most out of it, you need to be aware of a few tips and tricks.

Invisalign in Kings HillNever forget to floss

You may be brushing twice-daily, every single day, but chances are that you are not flossing your teeth with the same daily frequency. With Invisalign, flossing your teeth every day is more important than ever. Unless you use an interdental brush or another device to remove plaque, food remains and bacteria from in-between your teeth, you should floss every single day since the aligners prevent saliva from cleaning your teeth properly.

Commit to wearing your aligners 22-24 hours per day

Invisalign is not difficult to wear and does not require much effort from your part. However, Invisalign in Kings Hill is a treatment that will only work as it should if you wear the aligners for 20-22 hours per day. If you are not willing to stick to this simple rule, then Invisalign is probably not the right treatment for you.

Don’t move to the next aligner in the series on your own

Unless your dentist has instructed you so, you are not supposed to change your aligners earlier or later than you should. If your dentist tells you to wear you aligner for a few extra days, you should follow their advice, instead of experimenting on your own.

Your aligners will remain invisible

While you will definitely feel that you are wearing them, your aligners are made of clear plastic, therefore they are invisible to the naked eye. Instead of worrying that someone will notice that you are undergoing treatment, enjoy smiling with Invisalign in Kings Hill.

Correct uneven teeth discreetly with Invisalign

Although braces are the traditional treatment for uneven or crooked teeth, dental technology has advanced a lot since they were first invented and there are many more options now available. One option is to talk to our dentists about a clear aligner, such as Invisalign in Kings Hill.

Invisalign in Kings HillInvisalign – what exactly is it?

The Invisalign System is a series of clear plastic aligners that are worn for one or two weeks at a time, then exchanged for another set, and so on until optimum teeth correction is reached. At the start of treatment, your treatment plan will be plotted out using the latest 3D technology at our practice in Kings Hill. Invisalign is designed to ensure you know what to expect every step of the way. Each stage of your treatment will correct the teeth in a specific way, making results predictable and successful.

Why choose Invisalign?

As producers of the world’s first clear aligners, Invisalign know teeth. In a world where people are more concerned about appearance than ever before, it is important to have the option to improve your smile and this can be done easily and very discreetly with Invisalign in Kings Hill. The aligners themselves are nearly invisible and people are not likely to notice you are wearing them. Invisalign aligners are designed to be removed for eating, so there is no need to worry about restricting your diet.

Because they are removable, Invisalign are ideal for people who play contact sports, or professionals whose appearance is particularly important. However, the aligners do need to be worn for a recommended 22 hours a day. Most patients find that the aligners don’t affect their speech, so this should not be a concern.

Problems that can be corrected with Invisalign in Kings Hill

A number of orthodontic issues can be correcting using Invisalign in Kings Hill. Problems with bite, such as overbite, underbite and crossbite can all be adjusted. Gaps between the teeth and overcrowded teeth can also be corrected. Many people who wore braces when young now find that their teeth have shifted as they’ve got older. This is something that can usually be corrected with Invisalign in Kings Hill.

The convenience of Invisalign

What’s Invisalign?

Invisalign in Kings Hill is a type of modern brace system made of clear plastic. Invisalign braces are usually referred to as Invisalign aligners. They are called Invisalign because they align your teeth invisibly. Yes, when you have them in your mouth they can’t be seen by others. The aligners are designed to be comfortable, convenient and easy-to-use. Invisalign aligners are worn over your teeth. You’ll need a number of sets of aligners, each set moves your teeth, just a little bit, over a 1-2 week period. When their job is done, you move on to the next set.

Invisalign in Kings HillWhy would you want to use Invisalign in Kings Hill?

Have you got crooked teeth that would look nicer if they were straight? Invisalign could be for you. Invisalign aligners correct mild to moderate tooth alignment issues. They’re a good choice for anyone who would like to straighten their teeth discreetly. They’re also perfect for people who have a lifestyle or job that would make wearing traditional metal braces impossible. As the aligners are removable, you can choose to take them out in some social situations. However, you should wear the aligners for the recommended time each day, 22 hours. If you don’t, you’ll experience a longer treatment time.

How do Invisalign aligners work?

Invisalign aligners work by applying pressure to your teeth. What’s great about Invisalign is, they can target individual teeth in a logical order, instead of moving your teeth all at once like traditional braces with brackets and wires. When you put each set of aligners in for the first time you’ll be able to feel which teeth have pressure on them. Over the 1-2 weeks of wearing each aligner, the pressure will gradually wear off. Once you no longer feel pressure with the set you’re wearing, it’s time to switch to the next set in your aligner series.

Want to try our Kings Hill Invisalign aligners?

If you think Invisalign could be just what you’re looking for, give us a call today. We can book you in for a consultation here at One Smile Oral Care and get you on the road to a beautifully straight smile.

Take control of your smile

As with any profession, within dentistry, there are those awesome new innovations that come along once every few years that are a total game-changer. One such advance is Invisalign. Here at One Smile Oral Care, we’ve been fitting our patients with Invisalign in Kings Hill for many years, and we are still blown away by the treatment.

The reason Invisalign was such a breath of fresh air was, because at the time it first came on the market just over 20 years ago, it was the only teeth straightening device that didn’t use brackets and wires. It used clear, plastic aligners that fitted neatly over the teeth, and nudged them gently into position over time.

Invisalign in Kings HillThe great benefit was that it was not only a transparent braces system, but it was also removable. No more food getting stuck in wires, no more lengthy cleaning routine.

This opened up huge possibilities for adult patients and self-conscious teens who didn’t want to advertise to the world that they were getting teeth straightening treatment. It was no longer necessary to sacrifice your smile in the short term to make it more beautiful in the long term.

However, there is a kind of drawback associated with Invisalign in Kings Hill, which is that it requires discipline. After you have been measured for the aligners and they have arrived at your door, the rest is pretty much up to you. Your dentist will check your progress every now and again, but you don’t have to get regular adjustments as you do with other braces. Every 7-10 days you change the pair of aligners you are wearing for the next in the series and off you go again.

You also need to keep on top of keeping the trays clean. They must be removed for eating and drinking anything other than plain water, otherwise they will stain (removing their invisibility powers) and food may get stuck against the teeth. Teeth and the trays must be cleaned after each meal and worn at least 22 hours a day to keep treatment on track.

Think you can handle it? Ask us for more details about Invisalign in Kings Hill and take control of your smile.

No see teeth straightening with Invisalign in Kings Hill

Here at One Smile Oral Care, we remain as impressed as ever with how invisible Invisalign clear aligners are, even though we fit them pretty regularly, we can never quite get over how well they live up to their name.

Invisalign in Kings HillSo, if you have been wanting to get your mild to moderately misaligned teeth sorted out, why not come in for a free consultation for this device. It’s been around for about 20 years now and in that time, over 4 million people have been treated with Invisalign. In Kings Hill, of course it’s nowhere near that many, but there are still plenty of people walking round with lovely straight teeth thanks to Invisalign. And there are plenty more whose teeth seem to be getting straighter every week as if by magic. It isn’t magic though, it’s Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a straightening system that uses mouth guard-like aligners that snap on over the teeth rather than the more usual brackets and wires. You get a series of them (how many depends on your particular alignment issues), which you wear, starting at aligner number one and working your way through to the last in the series.

Each aligner has pressure points placed in it, and their size and angle are carefully designed to press your teeth in exactly the right direction that they need to go to line up well with their neighbours. Each aligner takes about 7-10 days to do its work and you will know when it is time to change to the next in the series because the pressure will have worn off.


The aligners are see-through and only 0.3 millimetres thick, which means that when they are on your teeth, it takes a trained eye, or a really close friend, to spot them.

Take them out

The other big plus is that Invisalign aligners come out when you eat and drink fluids that are not plain water. You put them in your storage box and give your teeth a good clean before putting them back in. These two advantages are what makes Invisalign in Kings Hill so popular.

How to use your Invisalign in Kings Hill – a pocket guide

We all process information differently. It’s great for you to know how you learn and take new things on board so you can maximise your opportunities to absorb the what you need to know. For some people, visual learning is better so they need to see pictures and equipment. For others, auditory information is fine, so they can hear detailed instructions and take it on board.

Invisalign in Kings HillAt One Smile Oral Care, we customise your treatment when you come to us for a procedure such as teeth straightening with Invisalign® in Kings Hill. We can adapt our information flow, so you take on board all you need to know. There are several guidelines that you need to follow to have a successful, comfortable and healthy experience with Invisalign in Kings Hill. While we can’t meet everyone’s learning needs in a single blog post, we can make things simple here, so you have some idea of what to expect during your treatment.

This can also function as a handy pocket guide to Invisalign in Kings Hill, so you have something to refer to when you start your treatment. Also, if you check out the first letter of each reminder, you’ll find a handy mnemonic to help you even when you don’t have access to this guide:

  • Swap – changing your Invisalign aligner frequently is a vital part of treatment progression. At One Smile Oral Care, we will advise you on the appropriate interval for changing your aligners;
  • Clean – keeping your aligner and your teeth clean will give you fresh breath and healthy teeth during your treatment as well as keeping your equipment crystal clear;
  • Appointments – we look forward to seeing you at regular intervals during your treatment process; every 6–8weeks is enough depending on which stage of treatment you are at;
  • Look forward – always remember you are working towards a positive goal. Treatment with Invisalign is relatively easy but, if you ever find yourself feeling a bit fed up with paying so much attention to your teeth, remember you have a beautiful smile to look forward to;
  • Equipment – get used to carrying a toothbrush and floss with you for keeping on top of your hygiene routine.

Persuasion guide for your parents – Invisalign in Kings Hill

Most teenagers and adolescents must settle for traditional braces when they have their teeth straightened. This is often because they are available with financial assistance from the NHS. However, there are other options that many young people prefer. Invisalign in Kings Hill is one of these. So, how do you talk to your parents about this option to persuade them that it’s the right way to go?

Invisalign in Kings HillFirst, when you visit One Smile Oral Care, we will examine your teeth and mouth to make sure that Invisalign in Kings Hill is a possibility for you. Be aware that many adolescent issues with teeth require a fixed braces solution, at least to begin with. It may be possible to combine treatment methods over the course of your realignment, but we won’t be able to tell you whether this is possible until we see you.

If Invisalign in Kings Hill is right for you, what are the advantages for you and your parents?

Invisalign are nearly invisible against the teeth so it’s possible for you to wear an aligner without anyone knowing it is there. This means that your confidence is not affected by your teeth-straightening treatment. Being a teenager is tough enough without the added stigma of braces, so this is one great reason to recommend this method.

You are encouraged to be disciplined while using Invisalign. You need to remember to swap your aligner for the next in the series when the time is right. You can use your phone to remind you. Taking on this level of responsibility is something you can tell your parents about, so they know you are ready for this kind of treatment.

Invisalign also encourages healthy eating habits. This is because you cannot snack between meals or drink anything but water without taking your aligner out. Then you need to clean your teeth before you put it back in. This makes you aware of your habits and even discourages some people from casually eating when they aren’t hungry. Many people find that these new modes of behaviour stay with them after treatment.

We can talk you through all the benefits of Invisalign when you visit One Smile Oral Care.

Enhanced dental alignment

If you want to straighten your teeth, we offer a contemporary method that will spare you the social and physical discomforts associated with braces. Available now in Kings Hill, Invisalign is a lightweight, user-friendly treatment. At One Smile Oral Care, we have years of experience in delivering this innovative realignment procedure.

Invisalign in Kings HillThe process of Invisalign in Kings Hill

At your initial consultation, we’ll assess your oral health and hygiene, and make sure that Invisalign in Kings Hill is the appropriate way to treat your realignment needs. It’s suitable for you if your issues are either mild or moderate. Then we’ll take some 3D images of your teeth, using a computer. The dental laboratory will use these images to produce a series of aligners, made from clear plastic. You wear each set until the pressure wears off, which takes about 7-10 days. Then you wear the next set, and so on until the series is complete.

The aligners fit comfortably over your teeth, and their shape changes subtly as the treatment progresses, which gently pressures your teeth into improved positions.

Convenience and comfort

Wearing Invisalign in Kings Hill is a discreet and comfortable experience. The aligners are almost undetectable by other people because of their transparency. You’ll thus avoid unwanted attention when dealing with customers at work, or acquaintances at important social occasions. There are no visible attachments and no wires, plus you take the aligners out when you eat and brush your teeth. This handy feature makes it much easier to keep your teeth really clean as you go through your treatment.


The typical duration for treatment is 12-18 months. You could spend longer wearing Invisalign in Kings Hill if you have more complex needs. When the aligners come off, you’ll probably have to wear a retainer while you sleep, which helps your teeth to stay fixed in their new positions.

It takes some time for Invisalign in Kings Hill to enhance your dental alignment, but the resulting benefits will last for many years. You’ll have a smile with much more visual appeal, and plaque removal will be easier. Your teeth will function more efficiently, and your overall dental experience will be more harmonious.

Great straightening for adults and teens

If you have the discipline to be in charge of your own alignment process, and you want teeth straightening, but don’t want stares and personal questions, then you might well be interested in Invisalign in Leybourne.

Invisalign is a different method of straightening teeth from the traditional bracket and wire braces that we all know. It uses clear plastic aligner trays that resemble mouth guards. The trays snap on over the teeth and are held in place by metal clips on the back teeth.

Invisalign in LeybourneInvisalign in Leybourne is available from us at One Smile Oral Care. It offers a great way to straighten mild to moderate misalignments and is available for adults and teens. It has two great advantages over other ways of straightening teeth.

Discreet alignment

Because the aligner trays are made of clear plastic, are only 0.3mm thick, and moulded specifically to your teeth, they all but disappear from view once they are in place. They really cannot be seen except by the keenest observer, like your best friend or your very close colleagues who are with you all day. Other less personal, more fleeting contacts won’t spot that you are wearing aligners, making them the perfect way to get your teeth straightened if you are in a high-profile job, or one that involves dealing with the public. It also means you can keep up your social life without your fabulous outfits being marred by your braces. You will still look great in photos. You could even wear your aligners to your own wedding and not worry about the photos.

Removable aligners

You take your aligners out for eating and drinking anything that isn’t plain water. This makes meals far less hassle. You don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to eat what’s on offer if you are dining at someone else’s house, or in a restaurant, and you won’t have to spend ages afterwards trying to remove bits food from your braces. All you have to do is remember to keep them in for 20-22 hours a day.

To find if Invisalign in Leybourne is right for you, book yourself a consultation.