Why choose Invisalign in Kings Hill?

Here at One Smile Oral Care in Kings Hill, Invisalign clear aligners are a popular teeth-straightening choice for our adult patients.

Invisalign in Kings HillSee right through you

No one loves the idea of wearing conspicuous braces. For kids, they don’t have much choice, as this is often the only way they can straighten up their teeth and realign out-of-place jaws. If you’re an adult looking for an adjustment for cosmetic reasons, you would probably question whether up to 2 years of wearing traditional braces is the best thing for you.

With Invisalign in Kings Hill, you don’t have to. These clear aligners are transparent once they are in place over the teeth. Sure, a dentist or your mum might be able to spot them if they were close up, but for most people you interact with, they won’t have a clue you are getting your teeth straightened.

Easy does it

The aligners are pretty low maintenance. They do need to be removed if you eat or drink anything but plain water, but all you need to do is rinse and brush them, brush your teeth, then pop them back in. One problem with fixed metal braces is that food can get caught in the brackets and wires, making a thorough cleaning difficult, and tooth decay more likely. Not with Invisalign in Kings Hill. As long as you have the discipline to remember to take them out and most importantly, put them back in afterwards, your treatment will stay on track.


Invisalign works by using pressure points inside the aligners to push the teeth into position. These need to be mapped and created individually for each patient, as the inside profile of the teeth is different for everyone.

Digitally enhanced

Invisalign uses digital technology to create the custom-made treatment plans. One option is to use a scanner to take digital impressions of your teeth. These measurements are fed into a software programme that creates a treatment plan, mapping out how the aligners will shift your teeth over time. It also shows you how your smile will look at the end, which will give you the motivation to keep up with your treatment until you’ve achieved the smile you’ve always wanted.