When should I consider getting my children braces?

As we all know, every child is unique. Not surprisingly, the same goes for their dental treatment needs. Choosing the kind of teeth straightening treatment or braces your child needs is a decision that can only be made with the help of an experienced, specialist orthodontist like Dr Yasmin George here at One Smile Oral Care.

Braces in West MallingMore good news is that it’s never too late to get braces in West Malling. The optimal age to begin wearing braces will depend on the child and their particular dental problem. Ideally, you should take your child for regular dental check-ups from a young age so that any potential problems, like an overbite, overcrowding or problems caused by thumb-sucking, are spotted as early as possible. Usually, children begin wearing braces in West Malling when they are around 11 years old (although some children may need braces as young as seven or eight years old). While the average treatment time is around two years, complex dental cases may require longer treatment times to achieve the desired effect.

Fixed metal braces in West Malling

Traditional fixed metal braces, which attach to your child’s teeth with metal brackets and are connected by a wire, are still the most common type of braces worn by children here at One Smile Oral Care. That said, fixed metal braces have come a long way from the large, unattractive ‘train tracks’ of the past. Today’s metal braces in West Malling have smaller, stainless-steel brackets, making them less obvious and more comfortable than their predecessors.

When is the right time for my child?

The ideal age varies from child to child but, for some, it can be as young as eight years old. As we have mentioned, the average age for having braces is 11, but the right age for your child really depends on their physiological development and treatment needs.

It’s crucial that you make an appointment with one of our experienced dentists as soon as possible if you think your child’s teeth may need straightening. If your child has crowded, misplaced or protruding teeth it is time to give us a call and arrange their first appointment for braces in West Malling.