Questions you need to ask before having cosmetic dentistry in West Malling

Getting the most out of cosmetic dentistry in West Malling is easier if you can figure out what your needs are and you are familiar with any limitations. When you talk to us, at One Smile Oral Care, we can help you to clarify your vision for your smile and ensure that it fits in with your lifestyle.

We have a number of options for cosmetic dentistry in West Malling. It’s worth taking a look through our website, or asking a member of our team, because there may be treatments that you may not have heard of before. Cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly growing area of the beauty sector and there are new options available all the time.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingWhat level of change am I looking for?

If you are new to cosmetic dentistry, you may just want to start with a simple treatment like teeth whitening. You can get this done in a short amount of time and it requires very little preparation.

If you want to get to the next level of smile refinement or you need more extensive work, you might consider a full smile makeover. This is where two or more treatments are combined to address more than one issue with the teeth. This can lead to quite dramatic results.

How long will it take to get the look I want?

You may have unlimited time to get to the smile you want although, of course, our goal at One Smile Oral Care, is to get you there in the shortest time possible. However, you could also plan a cosmetic treatment so that you are prepared for a big event such as a holiday, wedding or work presentation. Let your practitioner know about any time constraints you have and they will go through treatments that are possible within them.

What is my budget?

Cosmetic treatment is usually self-funded so you do need to find room in the budget to treat yourself to a procedure. You may be eligible for one of our finance plans so you can spread the cost and do not need to wait to have your treatment. Another option could be to space out your treatments to make the outlay more manageable.