More people are choosing braces in West Malling

There are certain things that you cannot easily change about your appearance, your ears, your height (or lack of it) and the size of your feet. Other things such as your hair can easily be changed by a quick trip to the hairdresser, and now a few visits to your dentist can take care of your crooked, crowded or gappy teeth by straightening them using braces. West Malling dentists One Smile Oral Care can offer a range of different braces suitable for both children and adults.

Braces in West MallingAll braces work on the principle of applying pressure to your teeth in the direction that they need to move, but all braces do not look the same. Because there is an increasing demand by adults to have their teeth straightened, there are now a range of fixed and removable braces available to suit your personal needs. Although most teenagers still wear the traditional train-track braces fitted to the front of their teeth, and these are much less obtrusive now, most adults are not comfortable wearing this type of product. If you need fixed braces, you may prefer to opt for a ceramic brace with tooth-coloured wires. These are not as strong as the traditional types so are more suitable for adults.

Not seeing is believing

Many well known individuals such as Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise have used another type of brace, often called an aligner to straighten their teeth in the full glare of media scrutiny. The product is called Invisalign and consists of a series of clear, removable aligners that are worn for around 20 hours of each day. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks and then changed for the next one. They are virtually undetectable when being worn, and allow you to remove them to eat and clean your teeth and the aligners. This is one of their great advantages, with fixed braces it can be more difficult to maintain a good standard of oral hygiene.

The British Orthodontic Society estimates that up to 75% of all adults may benefit from some level of tooth straightening, so perhaps it’s time for you embrace the idea of straighter teeth and braces in West Malling.