Love your smile

Do you have crooked, overcrowded or poorly spaced teeth? Do you shy away from social situations or dread having your photograph taken? If you are an adult who missed out on teeth straightening treatment as a child then it is not too late to improve the way your teeth look. You may have considered braces but were worried that they are uncomfortable, unsightly or would impact on your life too much. In which case, we’ve got great news for you: there are more discreet and comfortable alternatives available. If you long to love your smile but do not want a mouthful of metal then Invisalign in West Malling may be for you.

Invisalign in West MallingInvisible braces?

One Smile Oral Care uses Invisalign in West Malling to straighten your teeth without bands, brackets or wires. Instead, a series of custom-made clear plastic trays are used to gently guide your teeth into place. The shape of the trays or aligners is modified slightly about every 2 weeks. This ensures your aligners adapt to the changing shape of your mouth and positions of your teeth, effectively pushing your realignment onto the next stage. You can remove the trays for eating and cleaning and they are almost invisible. This makes your treatment discreet, comfortable and still effective.

Can I have Invisalign?

Many of our patients have benefitted from invisible braces in West Malling. Invisalign is suitable where the crowding, spacing or misalignment issues are not severe. If your teeth are fully erupted and you are confident that you can commit to the whole procedure, then we can help you with Invisalign in West Malling. After wearing your aligners full-time, except when eating and cleaning your teeth, you will find that your teeth have moved into the desired positions, leaving you with the smile that you’ve dreamed of. Each treatment is unique as the aligners are tailored to your mouth. Advanced 3D technology is used to plan the treatment precisely so that we can reposition your teeth accurately.

Experience straighter teeth and give yourself the gift of a beautiful smile and improved self-confidence. Our team looks forward to talking to you about how you can benefit from Invisalign in West Malling.