Invisalign: a clear alternative to traditional braces

Many adults who want to straighten their teeth are put off by the appearance and maintenance of traditional braces. In the past, there haven’t been many alternatives to metal bracket and wire braces.

Thanks to advances in dental technology and new materials, dentists can now provide different solutions for the correction of crooked, misaligned teeth.

Here at One Smile Oral Care in West Malling, Invisalign treatment can perfect your smile without any visual implications for your teeth. This treatment is perfect for adults or teenagers who want to perfect their teeth but don’t want to have to deal with a mouth full of metal wires and brackets.

Invisalign in West MallingHow does Invisalign work?

In West Malling, Invisalign treatment is fully planned before it even begins. This is because of the nature of Invisalign’s treatments.

Invisalign uses custom-moulded clear plastic tooth trays to change the position of your teeth over time. When you are assessed and all of the measurements of your teeth are taken, a digital model of your teeth is created.

This digital model is then used to plan the course your teeth need to take to reach alignment. Once your treatment is planned, it is sent off for your tooth trays to be manufactured. Most of the treatment takes place at home and there are fewer visits back to the dentist than with traditional braces.

The aligners are to be changed every 7-10 days, depending on the movement speed of your teeth. You will still need to return to the dentist, but just to check how your teeth are doing.

Benefits of Invisalign treatments

In West Malling, Invisalign has many benefits over traditional braces. As the name suggests, Invisalign aligners are almost completely invisible when they are in the patient’s mouth.

They also benefit from being completely removable, making meal times and maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene much easier than with more traditional methods of teeth straightening.

Invisalign is more suited to more minor adjustments than traditional braces, so it’s best to come in and get a professional’s opinion on whether you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign treatment.

Visit us at One Smile Oral Care to start your journey to that perfect smile.