Do you need braces as an adult? The top 5 advantages of orthodontics later in life

It is rare to find someone who is thoroughly looking forward to wearing a fixed aligner for the next 24 months; for young children, that’s a long time! Similarly, teenagers are less than enthusiastic about orthodontics as well, but can usually be persuaded by knowing that there are long term benefits to wearing a fitted aligner.

kings-hill-adult-bracesInterestingly, in the UK, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic work to boost both their confidence and improve their oral hygiene.

At One Smile Oral Care, we actively encourage adult patients to come to us for braces in Kings Hill and can offer a wide range of treatments for all types of dental misalignments. Regardless of your age, we want to help you feel confident in your smile and our team of orthodontists will provide you with the highest level of care.

There are many advantages of undertaking orthodontic work as an adult and when you come to One Smile Oral Care for your braces in Kings Hill, we are positive that you will be happy with your new smile in the long term.

Improved speech

The way you talk is influenced by so much more than just your voice box.

As a child, it is unlikely that you had to manage a board meeting or give a lecture but as an adult, these may be part of your daily life. Speech and pronunciation is impacted by the position of teeth in the mouth and so, as you undertake braces in Kings Hill, you may notice that your speech, inflection and pronunciation improves.

Better hygiene

Statistically, if you have crooked teeth, you are more likely to suffer from tooth decay and periodontal disease; this is because it is harder to clean your teeth correctly.

As your teeth become straighter, you will find it easier to clean your teeth and as a result, your oral hygiene will improve dramatically.

Correct jaw discomfort

Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw and a headache?

Misaligned teeth can cause nocturnal bruxism which, in turn, causes inflammation to the jaw muscles and creates headaches, neck pain and stiff shoulders, not what you want from a night’s sleep.

Orthodontic work will correct any bruxism or grinding, and will allow you to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed, with a straighter smile too!

Stops harmful habits

Interesting, but rarely spoken about side-effects of having crooked teeth are the habits that can form around the condition.

Though more common in children, adults with misaligned teeth are more prone to chewing pencils, sucking their thumbs or biting their lips, to minimise the pressure caused by ill-positioned teeth.

Once you aligner is off, these unusual habits should disappear due to this pressure being alleviated.

Improves digestion

Our teeth are the first part of our digestive tract and so, if they are misaligned, food cannot be ground up properly for digestion.

Wearing a fitted aligner helps correct the grinding of food and eliminates digestive issues like bloating and acid reflux caused by dental misalignments.