Could you benefit from cosmetic dentistry?

Most of us have a long list of desires when it comes to our body. We might want to lose some weight or have clearer skin, but one of the easiest ways to completely change our appearance is by improving our smile.

When your appearance matters, most people don’t just want an average smile. With cosmetic dentistry in West Malling, you can create your best possible smile. Our dental professionals at One Smile Oral Care can help you with a multitude of cosmetic procedures to transform your teeth, or they can simply enhance the smile you already have.

There are several services cosmetic dentistry in West Malling can provide for you, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and cosmetic re-contouring of your gums.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingZoom teeth whitening

You can’t pick up a magazine today, or turn on the TV without noticing dazzling whitened smiles. Teeth whitening services are growing in popularity and are now one of the most requested services that we offer.

For some of our patients, the answer to their needs is Zoom one hour teeth whitening. This light-activated whitening system is the quickest method for tooth whitening today. It can make your teeth 6 to 10 shades lighter with little sensitivity.

Zoom teeth whitening is for One Smile Oral Care patients who want safe, effective and speedy whitening results. Custom trays are also included for periodic touch-ups, to make sure your smile stays as white as possible.

Good-looking gums

Not everyone shows their gums when they smile, but if they do then having an even gum line along the top of the teeth is an important feature for a natural, healthy looking smile. Gum contouring is a technique that reshapes your gum line so it better complements your teeth.

If you choose gum contouring, the results are usually permanent. In some cases, where a large amount of gum tissue is removed the healing process can take longer, as it may be necessary to trim bone on the front of the tooth root to help prevent re-growth of the gum tissue.

To find out more about cosmetic dentistry in West Malling and what could work for you, simply give us a call or send us an email.