Braces in West Malling made for you

Braces now come in all sizes, shapes, and colours and there’s a beauty in every one of them. Whatever your dental needs require, braces in West Malling can cater to them. Whether you choose to go for the traditional metal braces, more common among teenagers and children, or the more discreet option where you will need to be up close to someone before they realise you are actually wearing braces.

Braces are always at work. Millimetre by millimetre, day by day, they slowly and gently guide your teeth into their desired position. The timeframe for wearing braces depends on each individual’s circumstances but our dentist will be able to guide you on that during your consultation.

Braces in West MallingThe basics of braces

Braces we provide are comprise little brackets, placed on each individual tooth and attached together with archwires. These archwires are then bent to create an arch shape and as this wire moves back into alignment with the brackets, it moves your teeth along too. The beauty of this system now is that these little brackets are no longer only available in a glaring metal colour, they come in a tooth-coloured variety too, which makes them far less noticeable. Even if you decide to go with metal brackets, you’ll find that they are more refined and smaller than they once were. This is great news for already self-conscious teenagers. So in West Malling, braces themselves have evolved a new look and can help you achieve your new look too.

Care for your children

Not only is it important to start early with regular dental check-ups so your child becomes accustomed to the dentist, but if there are any dental issues it is best to discover them early on. Your dentist will monitor teeth alignment, gums, jaw and bite development. We all want the best for our children and would prefer not to put them through lengthy dental treatments, however in West Malling, braces we provide are designed to make the experience as comfortable and efficient as possible. Furthermore, with straighter teeth it will be easier to keep your children’s teeth and gums in good health, which makes it worth your and their time.