Are braces in Kings Hill worth considering?

We believe that you’re never too old for braces in Kings Hill. Although it may seem like something only the younger generation wears, there’s still a lot of great benefits to wearing them as an adult. Here’s a brief outline of why braces in Kings Hill might be worth a try.

Braces in Kings HillHow to tell when you need them?

At an older age, it can be difficult to know if you qualify for braces in Kings Hill, if you don’t know what the signs are. With that in mind, here are some things to keep an eye out for, that may hint at you needing such treatment.

For starters, if your smile is a little crooked, you may experience speech problems such as a slight lisp or whistling sound. Any dull aches or pains could also be a sign of out of line teeth, which are placing pressure on the teeth around them. The same goes for issues surrounding your jaw, which can be brought on by a misaligned smile.

If you’re unsure if you qualify, then ask our team on your next appointment.

Improves your smile

Although it may seem kind of obvious, one of the biggest positives to having this procedure performed is that it makes your smile look more aesthetically pleasing. This is managed by the appliance exerting a small but gentle amount of force on your teeth, in order to pull them into a more aesthetically pleasing position in your gum line.

At One Smile Oral Care, our team will take you through the fitting process in a simple, efficient manner and with minimal discomfort when possible.

Helps with speech problems

Another of the benefits of being fitted for braces in Kings Hill, is that having a properly aligned smile can help with chronic speech problems that might crop up around certain phrases or words. With this treatment, your teeth will be slowly pulled into the correct position, which should help to reduce whistling noises when you talk, or other speech impediments.

Aids in digestion

When it comes to our daily diet, the condition of our teeth can play a very important role. Having an inordinate number of gaps, or misaligned parts, can cause problems in the way that our body breaks down what we eat. This is because having an uneven smile means that food isn’t properly broken down, resulting in the body having to work harder in order to digest things, which can leave us feeling bloated for longer.

 Prevents jawbone erosion

One last benefit worth mentioning is that this procedure helps to lower your chances of jawbone erosion. This can happen when bacteria builds up between crooked teeth, becomes infected and then spreads to the surrounding jawbone. The process of straightening these makes it easier to clear out these germs and keep your smile looking great and your jawbone healthy.

These are just a few of the unique benefits you can take advantage of when you make an appointment for this type of treatment. If you’re still unsure about what a brace can do for you, then ask our team on your next appointment to see how we can help straighten up your smile.