A state-of-the-art smile at One Smile Oral Care

Our focus is your smile – both its health and its beauty. At One Smile Oral Care, we make sure that your smile is beautiful and healthy with a variety of treatments to give you a well-proportioned, white-toothed, perfectly aligned, smile.

The past two or three decades have seen dental research make many breakthroughs and advances in treatments and techniques. These have increased treatment speeds and lowered prices. These treatments and techniques have made cosmetic dentistry in West Malling increasingly popular. Cosmetic dentistry is great for solving issues that aren’t pretty, but not serious enough to require remedial work.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingIn West Malling, cosmetic dentistry uses the latest techniques and equipment to whiten discoloured teeth, straighten over-crowded or crooked teeth, and cover over chipped, worn or cracked teeth, missing teeth, gappy teeth, or unsightly or broken fillings.

Such issues can still make people so self-conscious that they cover their smiles with their hands, or refuse to have their photo taken.

Teeth straightening

If your teeth are crowded, misaligned, gappy or crooked, West Malling cosmetic dentistry offers invisible aligners to bring your teeth into line.

At One Smile Oral Care, we use a system called Invisalign. This system uses a series of 3D printed invisible aligners that fit snugly over the teeth to nudge your teeth along to their desired position. You wear each tray for about two weeks until the teeth have moved, and then the next Invisalign tray gently moves them on again. As well as being very comfortable inside the mouth, these aligners are removable. People love to be able to take them out to clean them, and also to eat, drink, and attend important business or social occasions.


Cosmetic dentistry in West Malling can also mask imperfections such as discolouration, chips and cracks, and even mild misalignments. We do this by fitting veneers over the damaged tooth. These are tiny sheaths of tooth-coloured porcelain, custom-made to match your other teeth in size, shape and colour. You can have one tooth covered, or a few, or even the whole set.

These are just two of the cosmetic dentistry options at One Smile Oral Care. Why not drop by to find out how we can make your smile more beautiful?