A healthy smile is the foundation of a beautiful smile

These days, when you visit the dentist, you can easily get carried away with ideas of perfectly aligned, flawlessly shaped white teeth created by cosmetic dentistry.

And, while, at One Smile Oral Care, your dentist in West Malling, we are very keen to offer everyone access to well-aligned, shapely, white teeth, we also believe that good oral health is the basis of every beautiful smile.

dentist-in-west-mallingThat is why when you come to us for your first appointment, we will be taking a detailed look at not just your teeth, but your entire oral area: your gums, jawbone, tongue and mouth. We will also be having a good chat with you about your dental past and your desired dental future.

And, if we find that you do need to have remedial treatments, maybe a filling or two, we have the latest and the best techniques and materials.


Your fillings no longer need to be made of mercury amalgam, and your West Malling dentist at One Smile can use the latest in composite materials instead. These match your tooth colour and stand up to the stresses and pressures created by biting and chewing. Also, with composite fillings, we do not have to remove so much of the tooth in order to give it something to bond to.

Root canal therapy

You may need root canal therapy, if bacteria have entered into the pulp of the tooth, either via a crack or decay. These bacteria produce acid, which can cause irritation and infection, and, as pressure increases inside the tooth, you will experience severe toothache. If this has happened, the dentist will clean out the canal, removing the pulp and fill the space before sealing it.

If you need to have teeth removed, your West Malling dentist can fill the gap left with a bridge. These are artificial teeth that are supported by the teeth next to them. Or you may opt for dental implants, which replace the root as well as the crown.

However, if you come to us twice a year for a check-up; you visit the hygienist as well when you are here; and you take care to brush and floss twice a day at home, you should never need lose a tooth or have root canal therapy.