Author: One Smile Oral Care

Would your smile benefit from straighter teeth?

Does your heart sink when you look in the mirror? Crooked, unevenly spaced or crowded teeth can detract from your appearance and make you feel self-conscious. If you long to stop worrying about how your teeth look then having braces in West Malling could be the solution. At One Smile Oral Care, we provide treatments that are focussed on straightening your teeth so that you can relax and enjoy your smile again. We treat children, teenagers, and adults in West Malling. Braces could improve your appearance and prevent longer-term problems arising from misaligned teeth.

Who can have braces?

Braces in West MallingIt is often thought that childhood is the best time to have treatment, when the jaw is still growing and developing. However, if you are an adult with wonky teeth, then it is certainly not too late to have them straightened. As people have different requirements, we offer a range of braces in West Malling. Fixed braces are usually more popular with children and metal is the most durable option. Adults may prefer their braces to be more discreet and could choose ceramic brackets or a system that uses clear plastic aligners. Your satisfaction is our priority so the initial consultation is a chance for us to find out exactly what you would like to achieve. We also check the teeth thoroughly, taking photographs and impressions to ensure that the teeth and gums are sound before we start treatment.

What should I expect from my treatment?

Our aim is for you to have a smile that you are proud of and a treatment that suits your lifestyle and budget. We check your teeth regularly when you have your braces and will talk you through every stage so you know that you are being looked after from start to finish. If you are looking for braces in West Malling but are worried about the cost, we offer 0% finance so that having treatment is possible for most patients.

Take the first step towards having an attractive new smile today and contact us to see how we can help you with braces in West Malling.

Keep your smile beautiful

Regular care is important for a healthy mouth but did you know that there is a branch of dentistry solely committed to the beauty of your smile? One Smile Oral Care offers cosmetic dentistry in West Malling, which focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth and mouth. A great smile is the first thing people notice but if you are uncomfortable with how you look, you may lack confidence in social situations or avoid photographs. Damaged, misaligned, crowded, discoloured or missing teeth can all detract from your appearance but help is at hand with West Malling cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingA solution for every problem

We are proud to offer our patients in West Malling cosmetic dentistry to address whatever dental issue they need help with. Crowns, bridges or implants can restore one or more missing teeth and are designed to look very natural.

If your teeth are discoloured due to stains, damage, smoking, age, or antibiotics then teeth whitening might be an option. The procedure is rapid and you could be enjoying lighter, brighter teeth in just over an hour.

Veneers are another way of improving your appearance using a thin layer of porcelain which is bonded to the tooth. If crooked teeth are a problem, you may like to know that metal braces are no longer the only option. Invisible removeable aligners or fixed translucent ceramic brackets are effective, often more comfortable and less obtrusive than ever before.

Long term advantages

In addition to the obvious benefits of having a smile to be proud of, cosmetic dentistry can also help with some health issues. Straighter teeth are easier to clean as there are fewer places for plaque to build up. This keeps your teeth strong and significantly reduces the chance of gum disease. An incorrect bite where the teeth do not line up properly can cause uneven wear on the teeth and ultimately damage them, leading to tooth loss. Having cosmetic dentistry in West Malling could therefore enhance your wellbeing as well as how you look.

Invest in your health and appearance and explore how cosmetic dentistry in West Malling can help you.

Discreetly realign your teeth

Having straighter teeth means having better-looking teeth that function well and are easier to clean. At One Smile Oral Care in West Malling, Invisalign is a treatment that brings your teeth into line discreetly and efficiently. Your teeth will be guided into their correct position by a transparent plastic aligner, which can be taken out when you need to eat, or brush your teeth. So, while treatment is ongoing, the aligner won’t be noticeable, and you’ll be able to maintain great oral hygiene.


Invisalign in West MallingThe first step towards getting Invisalign in West Malling is a detailed consultation with our friendly dental professionals. They’ll talk to you about your dental history, and how you want your teeth to look after treatment. If Invisalign is the appropriate method for you, they’ll take images of your teeth and mouth, so that your treatment plan can be precisely customised.

Then, a series of transparent plastic aligners is produced. You’ll wear each one of these aligners for around two weeks, before moving on to the next one. Because each aligner is a slightly different shape, your teeth will be gently pressured into healthier positions. The total duration of the treatment will vary depending on the complexity of your needs, but typical cases take around 12-18 months to complete. And when the last aligner comes off, you’ll probably need to wear a retainer while you sleep, so the teeth can get securely settled in their new positions.

The advantages of Invisalign in West Malling

Invisalign is popular with adults because it’s discreet. The clear plastic aligners don’t attract as much attention to your mouth as traditional braces that are attached to the surface of the teeth. Also, they’re fully customised for comfort and efficiency. Once your teeth are realigned, they’ll be easier to clean, so the risk of developing bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay will be reduced. Your improved smile will look much better, and the teeth will function more efficiently, putting less strain on your jaw. In West Malling, Invisalign is a straightforward way to have a positive effect on the future of your personal oral health.

Improve the look and function of your teeth

For people who need braces in West Malling, One Smile Oral Care can provide several modern tooth realignment options. Contemporary dental appliances can often be surprisingly discreet, and take less time than you might imagine to achieve the desired results.

Appearance and method

Braces in West MallingOur friendly team can help you decide which realignment method is most appropriate for you, based on the complexity of your situation and the effect you want to obtain in West Malling. Braces affixed to the front of the teeth can be made of ceramic material that mimics your tooth colour, so they’re difficult to detect except at very close range. Or, with a system like Invisalign, you’ll wear an aligner over your teeth. Because it’s moulded from transparent plastic, the aligner is discreet, and it can be removed when it’s time to brush your teeth or eat, minimising disruption to your everyday routines.

Appropriate approach

At our comfortable practice, our team of dental professionals will help you to settle on the most appropriate treatment for your condition. You might just want to reposition front teeth that stick out too much, or overall dental crowding might mean you’re keen to realign all of your teeth.

Before treatment starts, your dentist will let you know how long it will take to finish. In some cases, this could be as little as six months. For more complex conditions, 18 months or longer might be a more likely duration. And when the braces are off, you’ll probably need to wear a retainer while you sleep, to make sure the teeth get used to their new positions.

Long-term benefits

By choosing to have braces in West Malling, you give yourself a better chance to achieve great oral hygiene. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, because there are fewer awkward spaces in which food particles and plaque can gather. They also function more efficiently, reducing strain on the jaw. And of course, neater smiles look a lot better, which can give you extra confidence about your overall appearance. You’ll enjoy all these improvements for many years to come, after your time wearing braces in West Malling is over.

Straighten your teeth discreetly and effectively with Invisalign in West Malling

Very few people are born with perfectly aligned teeth. Many seek dental treatment as children and have to wear metal braces for months at an end. However, for adults who were not able to have braces during childhood or whose teeth have gone out of alignment again, the prospect of having to wear metal brackets and wires all over again is quite disheartening. But what if we told you that metal braces are no longer necessary?

Cosmetic dentistry has developed rapidly over the years and now adults can benefit from Invisalign. An alternative to metal braces, Invisalign helps move your teeth with the use of transparent, removable aligners. At One Smile Oral Care in West Malling, Invisalign is a popular option for self-conscious teenagers and adults who do not wish to have their teeth straightened with braces due to cosmetic or other considerations.

Invisalign in West MallingWhat is Invisalign?

Invisalign employs a series of clear, custom-made plastic aligners. The aligners are created from 3D scans and impressions of your smile to fit snugly over your teeth. As you from one set of aligners to the next approximately every two weeks, your teeth will gradually move to their proper positions.

Invisalign aligners are made of smooth, transparent plastic that is both comfortable and virtually invisible. The aligners are also removable, making it easy for you to remove them as necessary in order to eat, brush, and floss. However, you must be committed to wearing your aligners at least 22 hours per day for the treatment to be effective.

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

The most important criterion to determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign, is to have healthy teeth and gums that are free of decay and gum disease. Invisalign is ideal for mild to moderate misalignment problems and can also fix overbites, underbites and crossbites. But if you need to correct more complex dental issues, your dentist may recommend traditional braces instead.

Get in touch

If you want to see if you are a good candidate for Invisalign in West Malling, contact us today and we will book a consultation appointment for you as soon as possible.

Improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry in West Malling

Cosmetic dentistry relates to any dental work that enhances or even rectifies minor flaws of a person’s teeth, gum or even their bite. And while the main concern of cosmetic dentistry is the improvement of the colour, shape, size and alignment of your teeth, this is done to enhance your smile to the fullest and restore your self-confidence.

At One Smile Oral Care in West Malling, cosmetic dentistry treatments include dental veneers, teeth whitening and gum contouring. However, these procedures are not only for cosmetic purposes, but may also improve oral problems that you may experience. Your cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you decide which treatment is ideal for your individual case.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingDental veneers

Dental veneers are thin custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of the teeth. They are easy to install and very versatile, since they can fix more than one dental problem in one go. They are commonly used to improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, stained, misshapen and gapped teeth. They can also be used to correct mild misalignments instead of resorting to metal braces. Dental veneers at One Smile Oral Care are made of porcelain, which is coloured like your natural teeth.

Teeth whitening

If your teeth are dull and discoloured, professional teeth whitening can give you a whiter, brighter smile. At One Smile Oral Care, we use the Zoom whitening system that employs innovative technology to whiten your teeth by several shades in less than an hour at the dental practice. This treatment is ideal for patients who are really busy and want to see results almost immediately.

Gum contouring

For some people, a full smile with bright white teeth is not possible, as their smile consists of small teeth with a lot of gum tissue. At One Smile Oral Care, an asymmetrical or gummy smile can be corrected with gum contouring through the use of a laser. During this procedure, excess gum tissue is reshaped to reveal more of the natural tooth and balance your smile.

Contact us

If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry in West Malling and you would like to learn more about our treatment, give us a call today.

Why it is important to visit the dentist in West Malling

Visiting a dentist for regular check-ups and cleaning is an important part of maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. However, some people may only visit a dentist every few years, if that. In this case, dental visits are seen as optional and fall off the list of priorities. Before you cancel your next appointment, think about the importance of dental care.

Dentist in West MallingAt One Smile Oral Care, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we are here to help you prioritise your oral health. Keeping regular check-ups on the calendar allows your dentist in West Malling to have a good clinical image of your teeth and gums and monitor your oral health. Moreover, regular dental check-ups and cleaning help keep your oral health in good shape and avoid gum disease and tooth decay. These issues can cause more serious problems, requiring expensive and extensive treatment in the long run.

What to expect during a dental check-up at One Smile Oral Care

Your dentist in West Malling will first check for cavities, plaque or tartar. Plaque is a deposit that sticks to the surface of the teeth. It mainly consists of bacteria and, if not removed in time, it can harden and turn into tartar. Once it becomes tartar, it can only be removed by a dentist. If you allow tartar to build up on your teeth, you will almost certainly experience gum disease or tooth decay at some point.

Your dentist will also check your gums and look for any signs of inflammation that may be related to gum disease. In addition, tests to detect mouth cancer are also available. At the end of the examination, a dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar from your teeth with a procedure known as a scale and polish. During this treatment, your teeth will be cleaned of plaque and tartar residues and your dentist will polish them with a special paste in order to prevent the plaque quickly re-appearing.

Never miss your check-ups

Be prepared and be informed. Strive to visit your dentist at least twice a year and ensure that you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly at home.

Children’s braces in West Malling

Early dental intervention for children can be essential for healthy tooth structure later in life. This is why check-ups are so important: as a parent you may not be able to notice if your child’s teeth are crowding, or if they have an overbite or underbite, but an experienced dentist certainly will.

At One Smile Oral Care, we treat many children for alignment issues every year and we urge parents to bring their little ones along with them when visiting the dental practice. Dental issues in children do not just compromise their oral health, but may also have an emotional impact. Unfortunately, kids can be bullied for the appearance of their teeth.

Braces in West MallingOur experienced dentist, Dr Yasmin George, can detect potential problems with tooth alignment from as early as age five, and early treatment with braces in West Malling can prevent complicated problems from developing in the future.

When is it the right time to visit the dentist?

If you are unhappy with the shape or position of your children’s teeth, you are advised to visit us at One Smile Oral Care as soon as possible. A free initial consultation is available and Dr George has treated many young patients with effective results. She will examine the teeth and the jaw of your child properly and she will determine the cause of the problem.

If the teeth are misaligned due to a bad habit (e.g. thumb sucking), unless the habit is addressed, moving the teeth to their correct position is a waste of time and money. Dr George can assess the problem and provide thumb and finger guard to prevent your little ones from thumb sucking.

If, on the other hand, your children’s teeth are simply out of position, they can be easily straightened with a retainer. Retainers are very effective because they gradually make space in the mouth, broaden the jaw and create space for all the teeth for a natural and healthy smile. If your children’s teeth continue to grow out of their regular alignment, we will recommend braces for fixing the problem permanently.

To learn more about children’s braces in West Malling or book an appointment with Dr George, contact us today.

Do you love your smile?

A beautiful smile can light up your face but crowded, overly spaced or misaligned teeth can detract from your appearance and start to affect your confidence. You may have considered corrective treatment but worried about the impact of metal braces. This is often the case for adults, particularly those who have a lot of contact with people in their professional or social life. If this sounds like you, then you may be interested in a system that can straighten your teeth comfortably, effectively and discreetly. At One Smile Oral Care in West Malling, Invisalign is a technique that has been popular with many of our patients.

Invisalign in West MallingHow does having Invisalign in West Malling work?

Invisalign aligners are made of clear plastic and gently reposition your teeth. The first stage is a consultation, during which you can ask any questions you may have and we can assess the state of your mouth and take measurements. The aligners are individually made to fit your mouth and you will be provided with a new set approximately every two weeks. This is so they adapt to the changing position of your teeth and continue to guide them into the right place. 3D computer modelling allows the aligners to be made precisely and means that you can see the predicted results in advance. You can try Invisalign in West Malling and join over 4 million people who have benefitted from this treatment worldwide.

What are the advantages?

The aligners are made of clear plastic and are almost invisible, unless someone is trying to spot them, so you can smile without feeling self-conscious. They work quickest if you wear them all the time and you should wear them for 20-22 hours a day. However, they are also removeable for eating and cleaning, so the impact on everyday activities is minimal and the aligners fit into your lifestyle. For our patients in West Malling, Invisalign has proved to be a comfortable, effective way of straightening teeth that does not cause the inconvenience or embarrassment of having ugly metal braces.

Having Invisalign in West Malling could be the start of a brighter future and a happier smile.

Are you proud of your smile?

Do you smile with confidence and laugh freely? Or do you hold back and feel self-conscious about your teeth? Chipped, broken, missing, misaligned or discoloured teeth can make you feel unhappy with how you look. This can affect your quality of life, as it undermines the enjoyment you feel and how you express yourself. At One Smile Oral Care, we know that looking after your teeth is more than simply about dental health. It is also about feeling great and looking attractive, so we are proud to offer cosmetic dentistry in West Malling.

Cosmetic Dentistry in West MallingHelping you have a brighter smile

We want you to enjoy your smile. At our practice in West Malling, cosmetic dentistry has helped many of our patients feel better about engaging with others by giving them a smile that they love. Cosmetic dentistry is the art of enhancing your smile through a variety of techniques. Whatever you would like to change about your teeth, there is a procedure to help you. The first stage is to speak with your dentist and find out which treatment or combination of approaches from the field of cosmetic dentistry in West Malling will best meet your needs. We are proud to offer a friendly and highly skilled service so that you receive the care you need and get the results you want.

Options for everyone

Cosmetic dentistry in West Malling has allowed many people to achieve the smile of their dreams. We offer a full range of options, from dental veneers to teeth whitening and invisible braces. We can even perform surgery to minimise the amount of gum that is revealed when you smile. Modern techniques are faster, more comfortable and less obtrusive than ever before. For example, clear braces allow crooked teeth to be realigned without having to wear ugly train track metal braces. White fillings are a much more discreet option than the amalgam material that has been traditionally used.

Hundreds of people enjoy brighter smiles thanks to cosmetic dentistry. West Malling patients can benefit from our experienced team and we look forward to helping you with a happier, more confident future. Please do get in touch with us today to see what we can do.