Signs you need to see a dentist in West Malling

Patients who felt forced to visit the dentist as children are less likely to keep their appointments consistent as adults. However, visiting the dentist regularly is important for many reasons and prevention is number one. A dentist can examine a patient’s teeth and gums thoroughly and diagnose tooth decay and gum disease at an early stage.

Dentist in West MallingQuite a few patients believe that brushing and flossing their teeth daily will help them keep their teeth healthy for longer. However, bacteria and plaque tend to hide in small crevices between our teeth and only a dentist can remove them safely. At One Smile Oral Care, our dentist in West Malling will ensure that your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and examined. We believe that prevention is vital, since it can save you time and money in the long run.


A toothache is the underlying cause of many dental problems, though it is usually associated with cavities. Once a toothache begins it may not hurt as much. However, pain can escalate really quickly and visiting the dentist in West Malling is the best thing to do.

Bleeding gums

Sensitive gums can bleed from time to time when you brush or floss your teeth, but this should not happen on a regular basis. If your gums are bleeding on a daily basis, then you are most likely suffering from gum disease. Consistent bleeding followed by puffy and sensitive gums are signs that you need to see a dentist as soon as possible.

Sensitive teeth

If you feel pain any time you eat or drink anything hot or cold, then you may be experiencing tooth decay or infection. Sensitive teeth can also be indicative of tooth enamel erosion. If you feel pain any time you sip cold water or hot tea, then it is time to visit a dentist in West Malling. Our dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and determine the cause of your sensitivity.

Bad breath

Bad breath is quite common but if it is persistent, then it may be related to infection. Our dentist can identify the cause of bad breath and recommend the best solution possible.