The discreet way to improve your smile

Undergoing tooth alignment with Invisalign in West Malling involves wearing discreet, clear, plastic aligners that are custom-designed for your mouth. Invisalign gradually straightens your teeth and closes gaps, improving the overall aesthetic of your smile. In West Malling, Invisalign is the modern, more attractive and comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces.

Invisalign-in-West-MallingThe cost of Invisalign varies depending on how many aligners it takes to move the teeth into position. You should wear your aligners as much as possible throughout the day, and certainly for at least 20 hours per day throughout your treatment. Ideally, you only take them out to eat, and clean your teeth.

Invisalign tooth straightening requires a series of aligners to be used. Each aligner progresses on from the last. Aligners are generally changed 7-10 days until your desired results have been achieved.

So, Invisalign versus metal braces?

Invisalign is well suited to straightening the front teeth. For moving the larger back teeth or for extreme bite corrections, metal braces may be required.

Are Invisalign aligners easy to clean?

Aligners can be cleaned with toothpaste and a toothbrush. We will recommend a suitable product for you, as using incorrect products can discolour your aligners making your teeth look yellow. You should brush and floss after each meal. If food and sugars are trapped in your aligners, you will be soaking your teeth in them for prolonged periods. Many patients using Invisalign in West Malling report that they enjoy the results of a better hygiene routine as a result of using Invisalign

How long can I expect to wear Invisalign braces?

Often patients will see visible progression in around three to four months. In some cases, it can be sooner than that. The average treatment time is a year.

Will the results last forever?

We expect you new smile to last when you take proper care of your teeth and wear your retainers for the time we recommend you once your alignment programme has finished. If you want the exact results to stay you should ideally use your retainers forever. Of course, after around six months, you can keep your retainer for night time use only.