Persuasion guide for your parents – Invisalign in Kings Hill

Most teenagers and adolescents must settle for traditional braces when they have their teeth straightened. This is often because they are available with financial assistance from the NHS. However, there are other options that many young people prefer. Invisalign in Kings Hill is one of these. So, how do you talk to your parents about this option to persuade them that it’s the right way to go?

Invisalign in Kings HillFirst, when you visit One Smile Oral Care, we will examine your teeth and mouth to make sure that Invisalign in Kings Hill is a possibility for you. Be aware that many adolescent issues with teeth require a fixed braces solution, at least to begin with. It may be possible to combine treatment methods over the course of your realignment, but we won’t be able to tell you whether this is possible until we see you.

If Invisalign in Kings Hill is right for you, what are the advantages for you and your parents?

Invisalign are nearly invisible against the teeth so it’s possible for you to wear an aligner without anyone knowing it is there. This means that your confidence is not affected by your teeth-straightening treatment. Being a teenager is tough enough without the added stigma of braces, so this is one great reason to recommend this method.

You are encouraged to be disciplined while using Invisalign. You need to remember to swap your aligner for the next in the series when the time is right. You can use your phone to remind you. Taking on this level of responsibility is something you can tell your parents about, so they know you are ready for this kind of treatment.

Invisalign also encourages healthy eating habits. This is because you cannot snack between meals or drink anything but water without taking your aligner out. Then you need to clean your teeth before you put it back in. This makes you aware of your habits and even discourages some people from casually eating when they aren’t hungry. Many people find that these new modes of behaviour stay with them after treatment.

We can talk you through all the benefits of Invisalign when you visit One Smile Oral Care.