Category: Braces

Braces hurt don’t they?

Braces in Kings Hill are a viable treatment option for patients who are aiming to improve the overall look of their misaligned smile. It is true that you can experience some mild discomfort through the use of braces to gently move your teeth into a more desirable position, however, this discomfort is nowhere near the level of pain that used to be associated with the use of braces. This only shows how highly developed is the level of dental care that is offered now and how we put the needs of our patients at the forefront of everything we do. If you do decide that braces might be the treatment option for you, then your dentist will work on a treatment plan with you to decide which braces are the right fit for both your mouth and the results you wish to achieve. Your dentist will also provide you with the necessary information concerning pain management. Do you have any other concerns about the treatment using braces?


Yes I do, don’t the teeth just move back after the treatment?

If you choose to have braces in Kings Hill fitted by a trained healthcare professional, then you will be issued with the necessary information concerning the proper care of your teeth, both during and after the treatment period. This includes regular brushing, flossing and keeping up with dental appointments. This gives you the best chance of maintaining your new and improved smile. It is normal to experience some movement after you have had your braces removed, this is because your teeth are not restrained by the braces anymore. Patients are usually required to wear a retainer after using a brace to combat this exact issue. As long as you work with your dentist and follow their advice your teeth should fall into and stay in the desired position. You can work with your dentist to discuss further treatment options if this is deemed necessary.

What kinds of braces do you offer at One Smile Oral Care?

Here at One Smile Oral Care, we offer an array of various kinds of braces, specifically designed to give you a brand new and healthy smile. If you are considering braces in Kings Hill then we could be the practice to help you. We offer a range of different braces which can be the right fit for a variety of different patients. Children and teenagers are often fitted with metal braces. These braces have continued to get less conspicuous through the years in their design and are now more accessible than ever. Translucent clear ceramic braces are more popular with adult patients as these are virtually indiscernible to other people, this can be an added benefit for those who are nervous about how their teeth will look whilst undergoing their treatment. These types of braces can be quite fragile due to their composition so it becomes increasingly important to look after them. If you think that braces could be for you, why not get in touch to see how we can help you achieve a straighter and more aligned smile? There is nothing stopping you!

Neglect to care for braces may impair orthodontic treatment results

For many patients on orthodontic treatment plans, repositioning of teeth may seem like an agonisingly slow process at the best of times.  It is only to be expected that patients want to achieve their aesthetically aligned smiles as soon as they begin the teeth correcting process.  As frustrating as it is, teeth work to their own schedule, and the only thing a patient can do to help the process along is to ensure that they take proper care of their Braces in Kings Hill as directed by the supervising dental practitioner.


We have found that often it is damaged or broken orthodontic devices in need of repair or replacement that have the potential to delay the outcomes of treatments.  This is why we cannot emphasize enough the urgency of contacting our dental clinic should a patient encounter a problem with their Braces in Kings Hill.

The orthodontics market continues to provide patients with devices utilizing new technologies and durable materials to ensure they are as effective as they are strong. With this being said, patients are still required to handle their devices with care, and refrain from eating foods and behaviours that increase the risk of them being damaged.  It is not unusual for the metal wires and brackets in traditional Braces in Kings Hill to bend or break due to eating hard food substances like crunchy vegetables and nuts, or plastic aligner trays from cracking when removing or inserting them incorrectly.

 3 Reasons why braces are not working as they should

 1.        Severe discomfort in the mouth

In repositioning teeth there is bound to be an initial period of adjustment.  It will feel strange to have a foreign object placed onto one’s teeth.  The time frame varies but once this period passes, a patient should not experience pain unless there is a problem.  A wire may have become dislodged, or a bracket broken.  In the case plastic aligners, the tray may be misshapen.

 2.        Neglecting oral health

It may not occur to patients that neglecting to brush and floss in between teeth may have an adverse impact on the results of their orthodontic treatments.  The build-up of plaque threatens the integrity of the gums and gum disease is a common cause of tooth loss. Healthy teeth and gums are critical to ensure the teeth-correcting process is working, and remains so after the braces come off.

 3.        Failure to disclose problems with the dentist

It is often the case that patients will withhold pertinent information from their dentist out of fear of being reprimanded.  They may not be dishonest about how many hours in a day they actually wear their Invisalign aligners.  A dental practitioner can only help a patient find ways to overcome their orthodontic challenges if they are aware of all the problems a patient faces.

For the average patient, orthodontic treatments can take as many as eighteen months before results are seen.  Being patient is just as important as being vigilant about braces care.  Always address any questions or concerns with our dental practitioners.  At One Smile Oral Care dental clinic we are committed to providing our patients with the highest standards of dental care. Give us a call to arrange a consultation for braces treatments or to replace a dental device.

How to tell if you need braces in kings hill

A dental brace may seem like something primarily aimed at younger patients, but there are numerous benefits to wearing a set as an adult as it can help correct a number of oral health issues.


Unfortunately some patients can still miss out on the potential benefits of this particular treatment. So here are a few indications that you should consider coming in for a set of braces in Kings Hill.

Out of line or misaligned teeth

The most common causes for a recommendation for braces in Kings Hill is if there any crooked looking teeth in your smile. This very simple sign can often go ignored by patients as they don’t always see it on a day to day basis, especially if it’s in areas hidden by your mouth.

Over time those with a misaligned molar or crooked canine could find themselves at a higher risk of developing cavities or showing signs of gum disease as these out of line teeth can be more prone to infection. On that subject.

Signs of a recurring infection

If you’re experiencing regular infections or inflammation of your gums then you could potentially benefit from a brace depending on your case. This is because in a misaligned set of teeth plaque, tartar and bacteria can build up easier in those hard to reach spots that you might naturally miss as you brush.

Then over time this lack of cleaning can lead to gum disease, cavities and all sorts of infections setting in that could put your teeth, gums and even the bone of your jaw at risk. Straightening out your teeth with a brace will make these tricky spots easier to reach into and clean with your brush, which over time should hopefully lower your chances of a future infection rearing its head.

At One Smile Oral Care our highly trained team of expert dentists will be able to diagnose and treat any infection whilst providing you with a wealth of information on how you can further improve the health of your teeth and gums.

Eating problems

Problems chewing your food could, in some cases, be eased off with the application of a corrective brace. This is because in some situations the teeth may be misaligned in a particular way that your overall bite is affected.

This could lead to difficulty chewing your meals and as your food isn’t broken down properly it might also lead to recurring feelings of indigestion or heartburn.

Subtle speech impediments

Although it may sound odd, if you’re experiencing any issues with your speech such as slurring and lisping around certain phrases or if there’s a noticeable whistling sound, then a brace could lessen these symptoms. This is managed by realigning the crooked teeth that may be causing difficulty for your tongue and mouth as they try to shape out and sound certain words or phrases.

In summary, these are just a few of the various situations in which a brace could improve your oral health. For further information about the benefits of braces and how they could help you as an adult, then just get in touch with our team at the practice for a chat about our brace treatments.

Do you need braces as an adult? The top 5 advantages of orthodontics later in life

It is rare to find someone who is thoroughly looking forward to wearing a fixed aligner for the next 24 months; for young children, that’s a long time! Similarly, teenagers are less than enthusiastic about orthodontics as well, but can usually be persuaded by knowing that there are long term benefits to wearing a fitted aligner.

kings-hill-adult-bracesInterestingly, in the UK, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic work to boost both their confidence and improve their oral hygiene.

At One Smile Oral Care, we actively encourage adult patients to come to us for braces in Kings Hill and can offer a wide range of treatments for all types of dental misalignments. Regardless of your age, we want to help you feel confident in your smile and our team of orthodontists will provide you with the highest level of care.

There are many advantages of undertaking orthodontic work as an adult and when you come to One Smile Oral Care for your braces in Kings Hill, we are positive that you will be happy with your new smile in the long term.

Improved speech

The way you talk is influenced by so much more than just your voice box.

As a child, it is unlikely that you had to manage a board meeting or give a lecture but as an adult, these may be part of your daily life. Speech and pronunciation is impacted by the position of teeth in the mouth and so, as you undertake braces in Kings Hill, you may notice that your speech, inflection and pronunciation improves.

Better hygiene

Statistically, if you have crooked teeth, you are more likely to suffer from tooth decay and periodontal disease; this is because it is harder to clean your teeth correctly.

As your teeth become straighter, you will find it easier to clean your teeth and as a result, your oral hygiene will improve dramatically.

Correct jaw discomfort

Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw and a headache?

Misaligned teeth can cause nocturnal bruxism which, in turn, causes inflammation to the jaw muscles and creates headaches, neck pain and stiff shoulders, not what you want from a night’s sleep.

Orthodontic work will correct any bruxism or grinding, and will allow you to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed, with a straighter smile too!

Stops harmful habits

Interesting, but rarely spoken about side-effects of having crooked teeth are the habits that can form around the condition.

Though more common in children, adults with misaligned teeth are more prone to chewing pencils, sucking their thumbs or biting their lips, to minimise the pressure caused by ill-positioned teeth.

Once you aligner is off, these unusual habits should disappear due to this pressure being alleviated.

Improves digestion

Our teeth are the first part of our digestive tract and so, if they are misaligned, food cannot be ground up properly for digestion.

Wearing a fitted aligner helps correct the grinding of food and eliminates digestive issues like bloating and acid reflux caused by dental misalignments.

Worried about needing braces? 5 reasons to stop worrying about this progressive orthodontic treatment

It is common to panic slightly when you are told you by your dentist you need braces, especially if you are an adult; it conjures up images of socially awkward teenagers with rubber bands on their teeth, which was not a good look then and certainly wouldn’t be a good look now!

kings-hill-bracesDepending on your reason for needing braces in Kings Hill, a member of our dental team at One Smile Oral Care may not need to fit you with a traditional aligner and can provide you with a more modern alternative.

At One Smile Oral Care, we can offer our patients a wide range of braces in Kings Hill to choose from, that are typically more discreet and lifestyle friendly than traditional metal-based aligners.

Before you decide against proceeding with orthodontic treatments, here are 5 reasons to reconsider your position.

Treatments are faster

While this depends on your individual clinical situation, many of the braces in Kings Hill that we offer to our adult patients have an accelerated treatment time.

Aligners designed to straighten mild to moderately misaligned teeth can give you that straighter smile in under 9 months, with some brands boasting a complete transformation in 6! Now that is fast!

Invisible aligners

The future of aligners is invisible.

If you are deemed suitable by a member of our team, then you will reap the benefits of wearing an invisible aligner, which combines a more personalised approach to straightening your teeth with the cosmetic benefit of being, well, invisible.

Lifestyle friendly

Traditional aligners required additional trips to the dentist and hygienist to ensure that your teeth were clean and plaque free.

Modern aligners, however, are often removable and so, you can take them out when eating, drinking and brushing your teeth. There is also no fear of damaging them, as many are made from a flexible plastic, which is smooth against your inner cheeks, with no bulky metal.

Improved comfort

If you have a modern aligner, you will usually be advised to wear it for 22 hours a day. This may seem worrisome as many people dislike the idea of sleeping in a removable dental piece.

As most modern-day aligners are made from a malleable, smooth plastic and are customised to fit over your teeth, you will experience higher levels of comfort while wearing them. Sleeping and other everyday activities are easier; you will forget you are wearing them!


Large, traditional aligners are noticeable. Modern, sleek aligners are designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing, meaning that only a few choice people will notice you are wearing them.

The minimalistic and discreet design will allow you to go about your day with confidence that you are getting straighter teeth, without attracting unwanted attention.

Remember, a member of our dental team has to conclude that you are suitable for a more modern aligner, so book your orthodontic appointment with One Smile Oral Care today!

Are braces in Kings Hill worth considering?

We believe that you’re never too old for braces in Kings Hill. Although it may seem like something only the younger generation wears, there’s still a lot of great benefits to wearing them as an adult. Here’s a brief outline of why braces in Kings Hill might be worth a try.

Braces in Kings HillHow to tell when you need them?

At an older age, it can be difficult to know if you qualify for braces in Kings Hill, if you don’t know what the signs are. With that in mind, here are some things to keep an eye out for, that may hint at you needing such treatment.

For starters, if your smile is a little crooked, you may experience speech problems such as a slight lisp or whistling sound. Any dull aches or pains could also be a sign of out of line teeth, which are placing pressure on the teeth around them. The same goes for issues surrounding your jaw, which can be brought on by a misaligned smile.

If you’re unsure if you qualify, then ask our team on your next appointment.

Improves your smile

Although it may seem kind of obvious, one of the biggest positives to having this procedure performed is that it makes your smile look more aesthetically pleasing. This is managed by the appliance exerting a small but gentle amount of force on your teeth, in order to pull them into a more aesthetically pleasing position in your gum line.

At One Smile Oral Care, our team will take you through the fitting process in a simple, efficient manner and with minimal discomfort when possible.

Helps with speech problems

Another of the benefits of being fitted for braces in Kings Hill, is that having a properly aligned smile can help with chronic speech problems that might crop up around certain phrases or words. With this treatment, your teeth will be slowly pulled into the correct position, which should help to reduce whistling noises when you talk, or other speech impediments.

Aids in digestion

When it comes to our daily diet, the condition of our teeth can play a very important role. Having an inordinate number of gaps, or misaligned parts, can cause problems in the way that our body breaks down what we eat. This is because having an uneven smile means that food isn’t properly broken down, resulting in the body having to work harder in order to digest things, which can leave us feeling bloated for longer.

 Prevents jawbone erosion

One last benefit worth mentioning is that this procedure helps to lower your chances of jawbone erosion. This can happen when bacteria builds up between crooked teeth, becomes infected and then spreads to the surrounding jawbone. The process of straightening these makes it easier to clear out these germs and keep your smile looking great and your jawbone healthy.

These are just a few of the unique benefits you can take advantage of when you make an appointment for this type of treatment. If you’re still unsure about what a brace can do for you, then ask our team on your next appointment to see how we can help straighten up your smile.

When is the right time for braces?

Parents undoubtedly want the best for their children and this includes having a healthy, broad and beaming smile, straight teeth and correctly aligned jaws. With advances in modern technology, issues with a child’s bite can be detected earlier than ever.

Braces in Kings HillThis means that with early detection, we are able to provide early treatment which can prevent more serious issues from forming. We could also ensure that future, inevitable treatment will be less complicated and shorter in time.

Issues can now be detected as early as 5 years of age, with treatment programmes working best in children between the ages of 7 and 13, when their bones are still supple and respond well to manipulative treatment.

There are of course some cases that cannot be treated until after this time. It depends on you or your child’s personal situation as to whether facial growth needs to cease or not before beginning the treatment plan.

With that being said, there is no right time for braces in Kings Hill. Many adults come in to see us who either did not need such treatment in their youth, or it was not offered to them. Whenever the time is right for you to correct your bite to make eating and chewing easier and to perfect your smile for healthier teeth, then we are here to guide you, or your child, through the journey.

There are many different styles of braces in Kings Hill that may be offered as an option. We will generally give you our recommendation, but will always provide you with alternative methods should there be any available.

We will discuss advantages and potential risks concerning every device, as well as the expected treatment timeframes, costs and any additional requirements. This allows you to make an informed decision on what you believe to be the correct choice for you or your family.

What types are there available?

Metal varieties are common for children and teenagers, these provide our dentists with the means of accurately manipulating the teeth into their proper positions, using brackets that are attached to the teeth and wires that connect every bracket.

The brackets themselves have become much smaller in recent years, so are therefore less intrusive and uncomfortable to wear.

Ceramic styles have also become available for those of you who are looking for a more discreet way to professionally straighten your teeth. They are very hard to see unless someone is very close to you. They are more costly, but do provide that peace of mind for adult professionals who do not want their treatment journey to negatively impact upon their careers.

It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years or more for the treatment to complete and is entirely dependant on the original orientation of your teeth and jaw. We work hard to provide you with the fastest and most comfortable solutions available without compromising on quality.

It is important to take the process gradually in order to not damage your teeth permanently. We are very experienced in this and look forward to finding you those results that you seek when getting braces in Kings Hill.

What are the advantages of having braces?

Whether you have chosen to correct the alignment of your teeth as an adult or have been informed that you need to have braces in Kings Hill in order to correct your bite and the appearance of your smile, then you may like to know some of the obvious, and not so obvious advantages of having this treatment done.

Braces in Kings HillBraces in Kings Hill is a means to improve your confidence and your oral health by straightening your teeth and correcting a misaligned bite. If you have been told by one of our dentists that your bite needs to be corrected, you may find that come the end of the treatment, you will be able to eat more easily, have less pain in your jaw and you will not wear your teeth down as quickly as you would otherwise.

It is very important that you have this treatment done to correct a bite, as well as improving your overall health should you simply wish to improve the appearance of your smile by straightening your teeth. Crooked, cramped and overlapping teeth will result in a build up of trapped food, bad bacteria and plaque which can eventually lead to tooth decay and tooth loss.

Food can get trapped in the hard to reach places and you may find that it is difficult to brush and floss teeth that are tightly packed together and overlapping. There is an increase in the severity of injury in teeth that are crooked as well, as they jut out at odd angles and are more susceptible to being hit should you fall or have an accident.

What about during the procedure?

Whether you are having traditional bracket and wire braces or the more modern clear aligning trays, you still might feel a little hesitant about going through the procedure and what it will do for your self-esteem.

Modern dentistry has come a long way and you will be pleased to know that most procedures take a lot less time than they did several years ago. Every case is different and therefore the time needed for treatment will vary. Your dentist will inform you of the expected timeframe for your individual case.

We have taken a lot of measures to ensure your comfort and confidence is intact whilst you go through your teeth straightening treatment. We can offer lingual braces which are situated behind your teeth and are therefore rendered invisible when you smile. Traditional braces can be clear or white to minimise their appearance when you smile.

You may also qualify to have the convenient removable aligners that we have available, which are simply clear trays that you change every few weeks in order to gently push your teeth into the correct position. They have minimal impact on your daily life as they are hard to see and can be removed for eating so that you do not have to adapt to your treatment in any way.

We look forward to explaining to you our knowledge on braces in Kings Hill and the vast range of options that are available so that you can begin your journey to a healthier and more beautiful smile.

Do I need braces?

Braces are needed any time the teeth have become poorly aligned and need to be corrected. A poor arrangement of teeth can have extremely negative effects on your dental welfare, causing tooth erosion and jaw problems over time. If you are looking for braces in Kings Hill then we will be able to provide you with a range of braces which will fit each individual need.

Braces in Kings HillWill I need an orthodontist?

An orthodontist is simply a dentist that has specialised in jaw and teeth alignment. Our practice will ensure that you get the best possible service, and that there are no surprises or misconceptions with our treatments. We offer orthodontic treatment for adults and children alike, so there is no need to go elsewhere for separate treatments.

What types of braces in Kings Hill are there?

There are many different types of braces, all serving a different purpose. After your consultation, we will recommend a style of braces that we believe will be best suited to you. There are many options based on aesthetics too, as we understand that particularly for adults, fixed metal braces may not be the most desirable option. We have Invisalign treatment available, along with transparent and other forms of invisible braces, so you can continue your life without having to worry about comments on your teeth.

Fixed Braces

The most common and widely known braces are the fixed braces, which involve metal wiring being passed through holds fixed to the enamel, and tightened, in order to realign the teeth. This method is one of the most effective, however it can carry some downsides with it. The braces can be uncomfortable, and can cause damage to the gums, and due to the speed at which the teeth are corrected, the teeth can hurt for certain periods of time. However, in terms of speed and efficiency, these braces will be able to adjust almost any configuration of teeth to a perfect smile.

I am worried about my child’s teeth, is there any treatment available?

If you need braces in Kings Hill for your child, then we will be able to help. Some dentists may be unavailable to treat any children below the age of six or even older, however our practice will be happy to have them in for a consultation and give advice on what is the best course of action for them. Led by our very own Dr Yasmin George, her consultation will be able to assess the source of the problem, and whether the problem is a dental or behavioural, such as thumb sucking. However, if the problem is an orthodontic one, then we will not hesitate to provide the treatment for which we have received fantastic feedback from parents. If you need advice or treatment regarding braces in Kings Hill, then One Smile Oral Care will be able to assist you with anything that you may require. Contact us via our website and make sure to come in for a consultation.

Facts about braces in Kings Hill: how long they have been around and why you need them

Contrary to popular belief, dental care is not as modern as we think. Ancient civilisations found innovative ways to keep their teeth clean with a mix of crushed minerals to make crude toothpaste powders, and investigations of burial sites have uncovered the fact that misaligned teeth of the dead were sometimes covered with bands, probably in attempts to have them straightened for the afterlife.

Braces in Kings HillWhat has changed, however, are the advancements in dentistry that have made optimum dental care easy to attain, flexible, affordable and reasonably painless – orthodontic work being one of them.

In the past, some believed that filing down incisors was the solution to straighten teeth, or that pressing down on an irregularly shaped tooth would change its structure and position over time. None of these methods proved useful, of course, but we are currently living in a time when straight teeth are really possible, with an array of treatments. Visit us at One Smile Oral Care today for a consultation if you think your teeth need realigning.

Not just for children

In the recent past, if you were to envisage a person wearing braces in Kings Hill, it would likely be an awkward teen with metal glinting from their teeth, a look that is anything but discreet.

If you missed your chance as an adolescent and hate your crooked or poorly positioned teeth, know that it is not too late to consider a straightening aid and that there are options available that take your needs into account.

Find the right straightening device for you

For the most part, children wear conventional metal braces (although adults also wear them). If you are a professional in the corporate world, you might be looking for a less visible aid. Tooth coloured models use brackets made from ceramic porcelain, a material which makes their appearance in your mouth inconspicuous, plus they are as effective as regular orthodontic devices.

If we think you are a viable candidate, we might recommend Invisalign to you. Invisalign or invisible braces in Kings Hill are a popular choice, because the retainers we use are not only translucent but also removable. No one will know you are wearing them unless you tell them. You can go through your day, attend meetings, impress the boss with brilliantly executed presentations and chat to colleagues without anyone knowing you are sporting them.  Eat the meals you like (barring particular food and drink that tend to stain) because you can take out these clear aligner trays when you need to for up to two hours a day.

Advice for parents

When you were a child, orthodontic work was a luxury treatment that only the select few underwent. However, times have changed, having your own and your children’s teeth straightened is not for cosmetic purposes only, but is a necessity for dental health.

You might not have had the opportunity to address your misalignment early on, but your offspring do. Correcting issues in childhood prevent them from becoming bigger ones later on, when they may be more complicated to treat and take longer to fix.

Regain your smile and confidence with us and look forward to lifelong optimal oral health and hygiene.