An alternative is here

Having straight teeth can be a huge boost to one’s self-image and confidence. However, if the treatment requires one or more years of embarrassing metal hardware covering teeth, some patients may be reluctant to seek treatment in the first place. At One Smile Oral Care, this is no longer the only choice thanks to the innovation of Invisalign in West Malling. Our patients can now enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile without any aesthetic hindrances during treatment.

Invisalign in West MallingIf you are considering Invisalign in West Malling for your smile, it’s a good idea to first familiarise yourself with the treatment process. By understanding what to expect during each step of treatment, you can make a more informed decision about whether this alternative to traditional braces is right for you.

Assessing your candidacy

When you first visit us for your initial consultation, we will be able to inform you if you are a good candidate for Invisalign in West Malling. While Invisalign offers similar results to traditional braces, it cannot yet tackle all the problems that fixed metal braces can address.

Teeth that are impacted or severely rotated, for instance, may not benefit from Invisalign treatment. In order to establish whether Invisalign in West Malling can help you, a preliminary assessment must be made here at One Smile Oral Care.

Your treatment plan

Once you are deemed a good candidate for treatment, impressions can be taken of your teeth. Both physical and digital impressions will be taken, ensuring an accurate representation of your teeth and bite. From these, a 3D model of your mouth will be created, from which your aligners and treatment plan will be created.

In just one to two weeks, your custom-made series of aligners will be sent to our practice and it will be time for treatment to begin. The first set of aligners will be tested for a good fit by one of our dentists. We will then schedule intermittent check ups every two weeks to change your aligners to the next in the series and to track your progress.

In as little as a few months you will be enjoying your new, straighter, healthier smile.